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ESSIE ICE Search committee meeting


Name of Meeting   ESSIE ICE Search committee meeting Date   03/07/2024 Start Time   02:00 pm End Time   04:00 pm Location   http://ufl.zoom.us/my/ericdu Contact Name   Eric Du Email   eric.du@essie.ufl.edu

Assistant or Associate Professor Search Committee


Position Title- Assistant or Associate Professor Department- Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Meeting Location- Zoom Meeting URL: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98989283295Meeting ID: 989 8928 3295 Date of meeting- 2/29/2024 Time of meeting- 4:00pm Name and contact of Search Committee Chair- Richard Segal, Segal@ufl.edu

Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Search Committee


Position Title:  Clinical Assistant / Associate / Full Professor Department:  Pathology Location:  Zoom- https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97909721402?pwd=M0gvY3hJZmVOdVBKbW10NkszODVadz09 Meeting ID: 979 0972 1402Passcode: 364587 Date:  Tuesday, February 27th        Time: 1:15pm Contact Info: Stacey Oliver, oliversl@ufl.edu

Lecturer in Sociology Search Committee


Position Title: Lecturer in Sociology (529129) Unit: Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law Committee Contact: Alin Ceobanu (aceobanu@ufl.edu) Date and time: Monday, February 19th at 9:00am Zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94845266200

Search Committee Meeting – CP and CYTO


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - CP and CYTO Date   02/12/2024 Start Time   02:00 pm End Time   02:45 pm Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/93711056668?pwd=K1pIczdLdVNxSjRSS21LbGpmY0V0QT09 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

Final Search Meeting for ECC


Name of Meeting   Final Search Meeting for ECC Date   02/09/2024 Start Time   01:00 pm End Time   02:00 pm Location   Zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97211071049?pwd=c1dJbGdoMmthbWp5Vkt0cTFUWlR4dz09 Meeting ID: 972 1107 1049 Passcode: 348935 Contact Name   Morgan Rhoden Email   morganrhoden@ufl.edu

Professor and Chair – Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy


Position Title- Professor and Chai - Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy Department- Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy Meeting Location Meeting URL: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/93795703684?pwd=ZHoxN3RRUERBeER4VG1Cb0tVMmhSUT09 Meeting ID: 937 9570 3684 Date of meeting- Friday, February 9th, 2024 Time of meeting- 10:00 am Name of Search Committee Chair- Stephen Kimmel- skimmel@ufl.edu

How to Create Work-Life Balance


In this webinar, participants will be introduced to how Calm can support them in creating a balance between their work and personal life. Participants will also explore the app’s features and engage in live activities. Register A limited number of one-year subscriptions to Calm are now available to UF faculty and staff, with sign-up offered […]