Jerry Uelsmann was known for his combination printing of multiple negatives into fantastical photographic landscapes. With imagination and wit, he turned landscapes into conundrums, or re-imagined reality altogether. His photographs are collected and exhibited in museums around the world. Jerry Uelsmann: A Celebration of His Life and Art commemorates this beloved UF artist, teacher, colleague […]
There are more than 200 children in foster care from Alachua County and less than 60 traditional foster care homes. Join the Partnership for Strong Families on Oct. 29 to learn about foster care, being a foster parent and how you can help. The event will take place in meeting room A at Headquarters Library […]
Position Title: Department Chair Unit: Religion Location of Meeting: Date: October 30 Time : 9:30am Contact Information:
Topic: Medical Director search committee application review Time: Oct 30, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Position Title: Lecturer in Marketing and Director of Student Engagement, Miller Retail Center (Job No. 528492) Department: Marketing Department, Warrington College of Business Location of Meeting: 1454 Union Rd., Stuzin 100E, Gainesville, FL 32611 Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Time: 9:00 am – 9:30 am Contact Information: JoAnn Smolen
Assertiveness is a skill you can acquire, not a personality trait that some people are born with and others are not. When we communicate assertively, we express our feelings, thoughts, and wishes--standing up for our legitimate rights without violating the rights of others. In this workshop, you'll learn to: Distinguish between assertive, aggressive, and non-assertive […]
Join Kim Holton, Ph.D., instructional assistant professor for the Department of Health Education and Behavior, every Tuesday for a lunchtime yoga class! Classes are held Tuesday’s in the Ustler Hall Atrium from 12:15 to 1 p.m. They are open to all faculty and staff, and are appropriate for all levels of experience. No registration is […]
Join Kim Holton, Ph.D., instructional assistant professor for the Department of Health Education and Behavior, every Tuesday for a lunchtime yoga class! Classes are held Tuesday’s in the Ustler Hall Atrium from 12:15 to 1 p.m. They are open to all faculty and staff, and are appropriate for all levels of experience. No registration is […]
Position Title: Assistant Professor in Violence and Victimization (528781) Unit: Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law Location of Meeting: Zoom: Meeting ID: 955 2425 8389 Passcode: 739663 Date: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023, at 1:00 pm Contact Information:
Position Title: Department Chair Unit: Religion Location of Meeting: Date: November 1 Time : 9:30am Contact Information:
Procurement 102 is an introduction to working with Contracts for Services – learn what a good Statements of Work is, who can sign the agreement, legal requirements that Procurement reviews for and tips for successful contract management. This class is for UF staff and faculty who need to purchase services. Pre-registration required in myTraining. This […]
Whenever we respond to another person, we are giving feedback. Feedback may be based on many things. It may take many forms. And only some feedback is useful. Providing clear, timely, meaningful feedback improves employee performance. It avoids attacks, judgments, and name-calling, and it uses reinforcement to point out positive behavior that can be repeated […]
Have you ever been in a meeting or making a presentation and wished you had prepared more fully? Has stage fright ever had an impact on your effectiveness? This program can help! Attend this program and learn how to: Reduce stage fright; Deliver with professionalism; and Apply the basics of public speaking by focusing on […]
Position Title: Department Chair Unit: History Location of Meeting: 005 Keene-Flint Hall Date: 3 November 2023 Time Contact Information: Nina Caputo,
Position Title: Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing Unit: Geography Location of Meeting: Department of Geography, Room 3018 Turlington Hall-main campus or Zoom Date: 3 November 2023 Time: 0815 - 0945 Contact Information: Jason Blackburn, Professor, Topics to Discuss: We will review the minimum qualifications of applicants and being the selection process. Topic: RS Search Comm Meeting #3 - candidate evaluations Time: […]
The Historic Bike Tour at the Florida Museum of Natural History gives guests the chance to learn about the archaeological sites and historic features on the University of Florida campus. The Florida Public Archaeology Network will lead this free, fun-for-all-ages tour from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 5. Pre-registration is required, and guests […]
Don't miss your chance to participate in Calm’s Managing Stress & Overwhelm Pathway, which runs Nov. 6–17. Pathways are tailored programs that’ll help you develop skills to tackle specific mental health challenges and improve your overall well-being. Specifically, the Managing Stress & Overwhelm Pathway is a 2-week program designed to help us calm our minds, […]
Position Title: Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing Unit: Geography Location of Meeting: Department of Geography, Room 3016 Turlington Hall-main campus or Zoom Date: 6 November 2023 Time: 10 am - 1230 pm Contact Information: Jason Blackburn, Professor, Topics to Discuss: We will review the minimum qualifications of applicants and continue the selection process for Zoom interviews.
Position Title: Chair, Department of Mathematics Unit: Department of Mathematics Location of Meeting: Little Hall 305 Date: Monday 6 November 2023 Time: 12:50-1:40 Contact Information: Scott McCullough
Position Title: Assistant Professor in Computational Materials Physics Unit: Department of Physics Location of Meeting: zoom link Date & Time: Nov 6, 2023, 3-4pm Contact Information: Xiaoguang Zhang,
Conflict is part of our daily lives and can undermine our success unless we get better at using it effectively. As surprising as this might sound, we want conflict in the workplace; but it has to be the right kind of conflict. In this class you will learn how to build your conflict competence/fitness to […]
Topic: Medical Director Search Committee Meeting Time: Dec 7, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Join Kim Holton, Ph.D., instructional assistant professor for the Department of Health Education and Behavior, every Tuesday for a lunchtime yoga class! Classes are held Tuesday’s in the Ustler Hall Atrium from 12:15 to 1 p.m. They are open to all faculty and staff, and are appropriate for all levels of experience. No registration is […]
The University of Florida is a complex place with various funding sources. This workshop will introduce UF's sources of funds along with the accompanying rules, or directives, that govern how each type of moneys may be spent. Participants will learn about "allowable expenditures" for each funding source and have a chance to practice applying the […]
Position Title - Department Chair Department - Religion Location of Meeting - Date - Nov 8 Time - 9:30am Contact Information -
In this course, the participants will be introduced to an "internal control framework" and study the key concepts together with a series of questionnaires that will guide them in performing unit based internal control self-assessments. It will clarify the most dreaded auditor terms such as "segregation of duties", "dual controls", "risk assessment" and provide common […]
Coaching is a dynamic, "face-to-face" leadership style! This session will give you practical tips on how to use this style to be a coach and to become a better manager. This interactive session introduces practical ideas and techniques that you can put into practice immediately. During the program, you will review and discuss: The five […]
This series of guided meditations, led by instructors from the UF Mindfulness team, is inspired by art in the Harn collections and held at the museum. Take a break from your regular schedule to slow down, experience stillness, and re-charge. Forty minutes of guided meditation is followed by an art spotlight tour. Please register through […]
Position Title: Assistant/Associate Scientist in Low Temperature Experimental Physics Department: Physics Location of the Meeting: NPB 2121 Date: November 13, 2023 Time: 09:00 am (50 min) Contact Information: Mark Meisel, Search Committee Chair (
Position: Assistant Professor in Mathematics Department: 16320000 - LS Math Location: Zoom - Date: Monday, November 13th, at 9:30am Contact: Sergei S Pilyugin -
Position Title: Violence and Victimization (Job No. 528781) Unit: Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law Location of Meeting: Zoom: Date: 4 Dec 2023 Time: 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM Contact Information:
Position Title: Chair, Department of History Unit: History Location of Meeting: Keene-Flint 005 Date: 14 November Time: 1:00 Contact Information:
Don’t miss your chance to join your peers for a unique experience! The Connected by UF, or CxUF, conference will take place virtually Nov. 15–16. Themed “Investing in our Tomorrow”, CxUF will tap into the best talent that the University of Florida has to offer, bringing together UF administrators, researchers and leaders to provide highly […]
Name of Meeting American Politics Search Committee Date 11/16/2023 Start Time 10:30 am End Time 11:30 am Location 216 Anderson Hall Contact Name Bryon Moraski Email
Position Title: Chair, Department of Mathematics Unit: Department of Mathematics Location of Meeting: Little Hall 225 Date: Thursday 16 November 2023 Time: 12:50-3:00 Contact Information: Scott McCullough
The Woodturners of Alachua County will have a community booth at the Gainesville Downtown Arts Festival. They will be using a wood lathe and turning spinning tops, Christmas trees, and other small items to give away to children at the Festival. They will also be selling raffle tickets for three items turned by their members […]
SKY Happiness Retreat is a nationally acclaimed 11-hour self-development and life-skills training program offered to thousands of faculty and staff at more than 100 universities across the country, including Stanford, Purdue, and MIT. Studies have shown that the techniques have helped improve the overall health of adults. Research from Yale University comparing state-of-the-art well-being interventions showed that SKY significantly benefits […]
Inspired by the exhibition Metamorphosis: Reshaping Contemporary Art, six undergrad and graduate composers from the UF School of Music premiere works in a collaboration with New York-based BlackBox Ensemble, featuring the performance of undergraduate dancemakers under the direction of Dr. Joan Frosch, School of Theatre and Dance. This one-of-a-kind sonic/somatic dialog is suitable for all […]
Join us as we celebrate the 110th birthday of George A. Smathers for whom the Smathers Libraries are named. Moderated by Jon Mills, Dean Emeritus, Professor of Law, UF’s Levin College of Law, with panelists James C Clark – Author of “Red Pepper and Gorgeous George: Claude Pepper’s Epic Defeat in the 1950 Democratic Primary,” […]
SKY Happiness Retreat is a nationally acclaimed 11-hour self-development and life-skills training program offered to thousands of faculty and staff at more than 100 universities across the country, including Stanford, Purdue, and MIT. Studies have shown that the techniques have helped improve the overall health of adults. Research from Yale University comparing state-of-the-art well-being interventions showed that SKY significantly benefits […]
SKY Happiness Retreat is a nationally acclaimed 11-hour self-development and life-skills training program offered to thousands of faculty and staff at more than 100 universities across the country, including Stanford, Purdue, and MIT. Studies have shown that the techniques have helped improve the overall health of adults. Research from Yale University comparing state-of-the-art well-being interventions showed that SKY significantly benefits […]
Department: Physics Location of the Meeting: NPB 2121 Date: November 20, 2023 Time: 09:00 am (50 min) Contact Information: Mark Meisel, Search Committee Chair (
Position Title: Lecturer in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies with a focus on health and health disparities and social science Unit: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Location of Meeting: Date: Monday November 20th Time: 9:15-11:30 a.m. Contact Information: Dr. Alyssa Zucker,
Position: Assistant Professor in Mathematics Department: 16320000 - LS Math Location: Zoom - Date: Monday, November 20th, at 9:30am Contact: Sergei S Pilyugin -
Would you like to substantially increase your ability to communicate with other people? Can you imagine the ways this might benefit you in your career, your day-to-day dealings with people, and in your personal relationships? "Relationship Strategies" assembles a number of simple tools that can be easily applied to improve both business and interpersonal relationships. […]
Family Medicine Physician at Eastside Community Clinic Search Committee Chair: Shaunak Mulani, M.D. Meeting date, time, & duration: Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 12:15 PM up to 60 minutes Location: UF Health Family Medicine – Eastside Community Clinic, 410 NE Waldo Rd, Gainesville, FL 32641 Zoom:
Explore how a Growth Mindset can encourage continuous improvement and innovation. This perspective can free people to think creatively and hold themselves accountable for their results. Experience a life-changing way of tackling work-related problems. In this session, we’ll: Define the growth and fixed mindset; Identify why and how we learn from failure; and Discuss strategies […]
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering will be conduction a search for a director of the Nuclear Engineering Program. The meeting will be held Wednesday, November 22nd from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in 157 Rhines Hall.
Position Title Chair, Physiological Sciences Department Physiological Sciences Location of Meeting: V1-100A (conference room by ASA office) Date November 22, 2023 Time 10:30-11:30am Contact Information Dr. Dianne McFarlane,
These no-cost Zumba classes are available for UF and UF Health Shands employees. Join Louise for Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30–6:15 p.m. at the UF Health Professional Park building. Wear comfortable clothes you can work out in, tennis shoes, a water bottle, a towel and an open-mind. Zumba is a high-energy class that […]
Position Title: Chemistry Department Chair Department: Chemistry, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Location of Meeting: 309 Leigh Hall Date: Monday, November 27, 2023 10:00 am - 10:30 am Contact Information: Stephen A. Miller, Associate Chair, Chemistry Department,,
Position Title: Lecturer in Sociology (529129) Unit: Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law Contact: Alin Ceobanu ( Date: November 27, 2023 (Monday) Time: 11:45-12:35 Zoom:
"Thinking Strategically: Using Vision, Purpose, and Goals to Get Results" is a workshop for managers who want to learn ways to think more strategically in order to achieve team goals. During this session, participants will learn about the importance of having and articulating a clear vision and purpose for the team. Additionally, participants will learn […]
Join Kim Holton, Ph.D., instructional assistant professor for the Department of Health Education and Behavior, every Tuesday for a lunchtime yoga class! Classes are held Tuesday’s in the Ustler Hall Atrium from 12:15 to 1 p.m. They are open to all faculty and staff, and are appropriate for all levels of experience. No registration is […]
Position Title: Assistant/Associate Scientist in Low Temperature Experimental Physics Department: Physics Location of the Meeting: NPB 2121 Date: November 29, 2023 Time: 08:30 am to 10:30 am Contact Information: Mark Meisel, Search Committee Chair (
"It takes too much time to plan--besides, I've been successful so far without planning." "Everything I have to do is important." Sound familiar? In today's work environment, supervisors often are bombarded with simply too much to do. And, while it is true that we don't have enough time to do it all--it is equally true […]
Search Committee Meeting for Position 00036403 Requisition: 519846 Position: 00036403 Search Committee Chair: Joshua Hodge, MD Posting Title: Family Medicine Residency Physician at Sacred Heart Hospital (519846) Meeting date, time, & duration: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 12:00 PM up to 60 minutes Zoom:
Position Title: Spanish Lecturer position in Language and Culture Unit: Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies Location of Meeting: Zoom ( Dates: Thursday, November 30, 2023 (8:00am - 12:00pm (est) Contact Information: Crystal Marull (
Participants will define "accountability" as a leadership competency and explore ways to incorporate accountability in their interactions with employees. The overall objective of the workshop is to identify ways to positively impact performance and work culture to get great results. Pre-registration required in myTraining. This is a program of the Managing at UF: The Supervisory […]
Department: 32050000 - POP Position Title: Department Chair for Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Meeting Location: Zoom Meeting One tap mobile: US: +13052241968,,94442428498# or +13126266799,,94442428498# Meeting ID: 944 4242 8498 Passcode: 576142 Brief Agenda: Discuss the Job Description Final Draft, Advertisement Efforts, Email Blasts and Rubric Date: Thursday, November 30th, at 9:00 am Contact Information: […]
Join the UF Center for Coastal Solutions for Optimizing Solutions for Resilient Coasts, which will take place at Sweetwater Branch Inn December 1st from 9am-2pm. The summit connects 100+ thought leaders, inspiring speakers, and ecology / engineering students to share innovative solutions for improving water quality, restoring ecosystems, and building community resilience in Florida and the […]
Department of Geological Sciences High Temperature Geochemistry Searc Date: December 1, 2023 Time: 12:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Location: via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting
The Florida Museum of Natural History is hosting its annual UF faculty and staff appreciation day on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. University of Florida employees with a valid Faculty/Staff Gator 1 card may receive one free admission to the “Butterfly Rainforest” and “Antarctic Dinosaurs” exhibits. Employees may also receive a […]