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Jerry Uelsmann: A Celebration of His Life and Art

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville

Jerry Uelsmann was known for his combination printing of multiple negatives into fantastical photographic landscapes. With imagination and wit, he turned landscapes into conundrums, or re-imagined reality altogether. His photographs […]


Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing

University of Florida Gainesville

Position Title: Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing Unit: Geography Location of Meeting: Department of Geography, Room 3018 Turlington Hall-main campus or Zoom Date: 3 November 2023 Time: 0815 - 0945 Contact Information: Jason Blackburn, Professor, jkblackburn@ufl.edu   […]


University of Florida Gainesville

AST/ASO/FULL PROF 3 Nov 9am-10am Stuzin Hall 211B

Candidate Interview

University of Florida Gainesville

Friday, November 3 at 10am Interview with Dr. Ahmed Albatineh Zoom call: Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92408319070?pwd=M0J6cWRHRlRlYTYwd0RmaGNYNHdldz09

Fixel Search Committee


Name of Meeting   Fixel Search Committee Date   11/03/2023 Start Time   01:00 pm End Time   02:00 pm Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97410082749?pwd=WWs4aTlXWUdPY3RjRTh2M0VReUp6dz09 Contact Name   Sabra Willis Email   […]

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

University of Florida Gainesville

Dept: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Faculty Search Committee AST PROF ARB, R3-265 Contact/chair: Dr. Robert McKenna; rmckenna@ufl.edu Fri., 11/3, 1:00-3:00pm Dept: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Faculty Search Committee AST SCI Zoom: […]

Associate Dean of Professional Education

University of Florida Gainesville

32040000 - Pharmacodynamics Associate Dean of Professional Education Via Zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/91076392628?pwd=QWphVnVtYWlORXFXK25abm1BUlA0QT09 Review of zoom interview candidates to determine who to invite of for onsite interviews. 11/03/2023 02:00 pm

Search committee meeting: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor


Position: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor Department:  29030000 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Location: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/99151215832?pwd=MUN5dVNmd0NicENlVlJ1azY5TXZRQT09 Date: Friday, November 3rd from 3:00 – 3:30pm Contact: Heather Kiesel - hkiesel@ufl.edu

Department Chair Search Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

University of Florida Gainesville

Position Title: Department Chair Search Unit: Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Location of Meeting: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/4778777641 Date: Nov.3, 2023 Time: 3pm Contact Information: iakl@ufl.edu

Search committee meeting: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor


Position: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor Department:  29030000 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Location: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98166609840?pwd=d2lZRk1HSi9IbTJXWENvZ2IwOU1ndz09 Date: Friday, November 3rd from 3:40 – 4:40pm Contact: Heather Kiesel - hkiesel@ufl.edu

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

University of Florida Gainesville

Dept: Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyFaculty Search CommitteeAST PROFFriday, November 3rd from 4:20 – 4:50pmInitial faculty candidate interview via zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/99602026682?pwd=M0g0a0xDY0lmRHhaNndJZjlHVisydz09

Beyond the Mountains

University Auditorium 333 Newell Dr, Gainesville

The UF Wind Symphony is proud to announce it's second concert of the Fall Season, Beyond the Mountains. This concert will showcase several premiere works of the Wind Band world such […]
