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Director, IIAIRI Search Committee – CANCELED


Name of Meeting Director, IIAIRI Search Committee Date 04/11/2024 Start Time 02:30 pm End Time 04:30 pm Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97928486531?pwd=OW4xbkgwdlJvaU55ek0yTXU3YzhrUT09 Contact Name Dorothy Long Email dorothyk@ufl.edu

Calm Fundamentals for Stress


In this webinar, participants will identify the difference between stress and stressors and learn how the Calm app can help you manage overall stress. Register: https://business.calm.com/calm-app-webinars A limited number of one-year subscriptions to Calm are now available to UF faculty and staff, with sign-up offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit the Worklife website to sign up […]

Search Committee Meeting – Ast Prof – 530459


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Ast Prof - 530459 Date   04/11/2024 Start Time   09:00 am End Time   09:30 am Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94695352061?pwd=YWpsWmdhbFBCdkZBUktrRklURmF1QT09 Meeting ID: 946 9535 2061 Passcode: 116642 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

Search Committee Meeting – Clinical Microbiology


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Clinical Microbiology Date   04/10/2024 Start Time   08:00 am End Time   09:00 am Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92299829302?pwd=dEVianRpY1pqYTZQN1g4MkhaRjlIdz09 Meeting ID: 922 9982 9302 Passcode: 089137 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

Search Committee Meeting – Assistant Professor


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Assistant Professor Date   04/08/2024 Start Time   09:00 am End Time   10:00 am Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97785019271?pwd=aTdOYUwvaDJEMEwxQXFtdG1HR1FiUT09 Meeting ID: 977 8501 9271 Passcode: 408078 One tap mobile +13052241968,,97785019271# US +16469313860,,97785019271# US Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

Search Committee Meeting – AST/ASO/FULL PROF – Medical Microbiology


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - AST/ASO/FULL PROF - Medical Microbiology Date   04/03/2024 Start Time   12:00 pm End Time   01:00 pm Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/95728388912?pwd=dEZtNDRWTFh5bHU2QXMwSmlyTTY0Zz09 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

ESSIE ICE Search committee meetings – candidate interviews


Name of Meeting   ESSIE ICE Search committee meetings - candidate interviews Date   03/29/2024 Start Time   11:00 am End Time   12:00 pm Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/4369404526?omn=91007167102 Contact Name   Eric Jing Du Email   eric.du@essie.ufl.edu