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Calm for Work – July


Join us for the July Calm webinar. In this session, a Calm representative will show you how to get the most out of your Calm experience and take a deep dive into the app. You will also learn how you can utilize the app at work. Join the webinar.

Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee


Name of Meeting Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee Date 07/25/2023 Start Time 07:00 am End Time 07:45 am Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98648792729?pwd=S1oxVm1uMTBsMUdleEhRb1JiL0JpQT09 Contact Name Nelda Loper Email OrthoHR@ortho.ufl.edu

Ortho Director Search Committee


Name of Meeting Ortho Director Search Committee Date 07/19/2023 Start Time 07:00 am End Time 07:45 am Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97651927945 Contact Name Nelda Loper Email OrthoHR@ortho.ufl.edu

Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee


Name of Meeting Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee Date 07/18/2023 Start Time 07:00 am End Time 07:45 am Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98648792729?pwd=S1oxVm1uMTBsMUdleEhRb1JiL0JpQT09 Contact Name Nelda Loper Email OrthoHR@ortho.ufl.edu

Ctrl+Alt+Disconnect: Setting healthy boundaries with technology


Join UFHR Wellness Coordinator Natalie Lezcano on July 12 at noon for Ctrl+Alt+Disconnect — a 30-minute webinar designed to help you set healthy boundaries with technology. Participants will learn the harms of excessive screen time among adults and children, identify strategies to eliminate excess technology use and benefit from improved overall well-being. Register

Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee


Name of Meeting Orthopaedic Faculty Search Committee Date 07/11/2023 Start Time 07:00 am End Time 07:45 am Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94416751901?pwd=OG1GbGJQYkNQZXJYQSsxUys4dllzdz09 Contact Name Nelda Loper Email OrthoHR@ortho.ufl.edu

Motivate Your Mind with Healthy Habits in the Workplace


Join UF/IFAS Extension Agents Amy Mullins and Molly Jameson for tips and strategies on how to keep your mind engagement and build healthy habits in the workplace. This event is part of this year's Employee Wellness Month webinar series. Register

Orthopaedic Director Search Committee


Name of Meeting   Orthopaedic Director Search Committee Date   06/29/2023 Start Time   07:00 am End Time   07:30 am Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/93715164781?pwd=L003LzVibWRMZklEWnhJTnJDU05TQT09 Contact Name   Nelda Loper Email   orthoHR@ortho.ufl.edu

Veterinary Community Outreach Program Faculty Candidate Search Committee Meeting


Name of Meeting   Veterinary Community Outreach Program Faculty Candidate Search Committee Meeting Date   06/28/2023 Start Time   03:30 pm End Time   04:30 pm Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97465464454?pwd=aFpSQmZSMEVWbEc1cGIrMnlHYU43UT09 Contact Name   Morgan Rhoden Email   morganrhoden@ufl.edu

Improve your Grocery Management Skills to Reduce Food Waste


While many of us have the best intentions when we go to the grocery story, it is not unusual to end up throwing out food that went unused. The USDA estimates that food waste accounts for 30-40% of the food supply in the United States. Join UF/IFAS Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent and Registered […]

Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices


Through the centuries, herbs and spices have been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Join UF/IFAS Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent Andrea Nikolai as she discusses how you can use herbs and spices to benefit your health and overall well-being. This event is part of this year's Employee Wellness Month webinar series. Register