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Take Charge of Change

Change happens. It is a real, concrete, often stressful fact of life. Do you ever wish that change would go away–or at least slow down? If so, this class is […]

Take Charge of Change

Change happens. It is a real, concrete, often stressful fact of life. Do you ever wish that change would go away–or at least slow down? If so, this class is […]

Quality Customer Service

We all have customers–The question is “Do we serve them well?” In this workshop, participants will identify customer expectations, review assertive communication as a key component of quality customer service, […]

The Mindful Leader

Why should leaders care about mindfulness? We’ll explore what research on leadership effectiveness tells us about the ways the mind shapes our behavior and ripples out to affect the teams […]

Mastering the Challenge of Managing Employees

“Bill’s work is not up to speed, but I’m afraid he’s going to get angry if I tell him.” “Mary does good work . . . when she actually comes […]


“It takes too much time to plan–besides, I’ve been successful so far without planning.” “Everything I have to do is important.” Sound familiar? In today’s work environment, supervisors often are […]


“It takes too much time to plan–besides, I’ve been successful so far without planning.” “Everything I have to do is important.” Sound familiar? In today’s work environment, supervisors often are […]

Leading a Team

Effective managers create and cultivate collaboration and teamwork in order for their unit to reach its full potential. In this session, we will discuss tactics managers can use to build […]

The Art of Difficult Conversations

Most of us work with well-intentioned people. However, difficult issues surface and require our attention, whether it is about scarce resources, misaligned goals, unpredictable policies, differences in opinions, or unprofessional […]

Cultivating Judgment: Critical thinking skills for complex work environments

Things change rapidly and continually at work which requires us to address unanticipated, uncertain, time-pressured and complex problems and decisions. In this session we will consider how critical thinking, along […]