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Course and Academic Room Scheduling

This Pro3 workshop will introduce key concepts surrounding course scheduling at the University of Florida. In this session, the schedule calendar will be discussed and an overview of relevant web screens will be provided. Additionally, participants will learn how to schedule classroom space, the final exam requirement, and instructors. Use of web-based templates also will […]

Procurement 102 – Service Contracts

Procurement 102 is an introduction to working with Contracts for Services – learn what a good Statements of Work is, who can sign the agreement, legal requirements that Procurement reviews for and tips for successful contract management. This class is for UF staff and faculty who need to purchase services. Pre-registration required in myTraining. This […]

Power of Feedback

Whenever we respond to another person, we are giving feedback. Feedback may be based on many things. It may take many forms. And only some feedback is useful. Providing clear, timely, meaningful feedback improves employee performance. It avoids attacks, judgments, and name-calling, and it uses reinforcement to point out positive behavior that can be repeated […]

Powerful Public Speaking

Have you ever been in a meeting or making a presentation and wished you had prepared more fully? Has stage fright ever had an impact on your effectiveness? This program can help! Attend this program and learn how to: Reduce stage fright; Deliver with professionalism; and Apply the basics of public speaking by focusing on […]

Procure2Pay Workshop

Bring invoices you need to process for payment and questions about setting up requisitions so it’s easier to process payments. This lab is designed for Requestors and Approvers in myUF Market and Reviewers and Approvers in myPayment Solutions. The workshop will begin with an overview of best practices and discussion/demonstrations for setting up purchase orders […]

Transforming Conflict

Conflict is part of our daily lives and can undermine our success unless we get better at using it effectively. As surprising as this might sound, we want conflict in the workplace; but it has to be the right kind of conflict. In this class you will learn how to build your conflict competence/fitness to […]

Quality Customer Service

We all have customers--The question is "Do we serve them well?" In this workshop, participants will identify customer expectations, review assertive communication as a key component of quality customer service, and discuss common customer service interactions and how to improve them. Pre-registration required in myTraining. A link to Zoom will be sent to registered participants. […]

The Color of Money

The University of Florida is a complex place with various funding sources. This workshop will introduce UF's sources of funds along with the accompanying rules, or directives, that govern how each type of moneys may be spent. Participants will learn about "allowable expenditures" for each funding source and have a chance to practice applying the […]

Internal Controls at UF

In this course, the participants will be introduced to an "internal control framework" and study the key concepts together with a series of questionnaires that will guide them in performing unit based internal control self-assessments. It will clarify the most dreaded auditor terms such as "segregation of duties", "dual controls", "risk assessment" and provide common […]

Coaching for Success

Coaching is a dynamic, "face-to-face" leadership style! This session will give you practical tips on how to use this style to be a coach and to become a better manager. This interactive session introduces practical ideas and techniques that you can put into practice immediately. During the program, you will review and discuss: The five […]

Leading the Challenge of Change

In "Leading the Challenge of Change," participants will discuss why change is difficult, what they can and should expect when implementing change, and how they--as leaders or "change agents"--can make changes more effectively by taking employee response into account. By focusing on normal responses to change, along with the impact of resistance to change and […]

The Multitasking Mirage—Find Your Focus, Flow, and Finish Line

The research is overwhelming—our brains aren’t built for multitasking. When we constantly juggle various cognitive tasks, we experience decreased productivity, impaired cognitive ability, increased stress, and diminished creativity—all of which reduce us to fractions of the effective professionals we are capable of being. Many professionals surrender to a frantic and unfocused workstyle out of the […]