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Search Committee Meeting – Gynecologic and/or Breast (531258)

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Gynecologic and/or Breast (531258) Date   05/09/2024 Start Time   08:30 am End Time   09:30 am Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/91559726408?pwd=WEZNQXpkQnZEby9lZFpxdXRYc3F1Zz09 Meeting ID: 915 5972 6408 Passcode: 580781 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

ABE – Assistant Professor – Climate Resilience Engineer

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

ABE - Assistant Professor - Climate Resilience Engineer Search committee meeting Monday, May 13, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Eastern University of Florida campus 201 Frazier-Rogers Hall Gainesville FL 32511    

Director, IIAIRI Search Committee


Name of Meeting   Director, IIAIRI Search Committee Date   05/13/2024 Start Time   10:00 am End Time   12:00 pm Location   https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94136602130?pwd=Qm9NTEI2R3A2MUU5ejBxQlZwL294QT09 Contact Name   Dorothy Long Email   dorothyk@ufl.edu

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor – Urban Entomology

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

Entomology and Nematology - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor – Urban Entomology – position #00014337 Search committee meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern via Zoom ufl.zoom.us/j/96181177376    

ABE – Assistant Professor – Climate Resilience Engineer

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

ABE - Assistant Professor - Climate Resilience Engineer Search committee meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Eastern University of Florida campus 201 Frazier-Rogers Hall Gainesville FL 32511    

 Visiting Lecturer in Spanish Language and Culture

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

Position Title – Visiting Lecturer in Spanish Language and Culture Unit - Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies (SPS) Location of Meeting – https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94824513994   Meeting ID:  948 2451 3994 Date – Friday, May 17th, 2024 Time – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (EST) Contact Information:  Dr. Greg Moreland – 1B Dauer Hall – (352) 273-3750 – moreland@ufl.edu

General Pediatrics

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

Position Title –General Pediatrics Department – Pediatrics Location of Meeting : Zoom https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94533634079?pwd=YjkwRG0yWXVxWkdvbUdpNE8xbWswQT09 Date – 5/17/2024 Time –12:00pm Contact Information – Marie Camille 352-273-8682 mcamille@peds.ufl.edu

Search Committee Meeting – Medical Microbiology


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Medical Microbiology Date   05/21/2024 Start Time   11:15 am End Time   11:45 am Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/96810370100?pwd=OFROekNYcXNrM1FwNFo2YXowa1BVUT09 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu

Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor

University of Florida Gainesville, FL, United States

Position Title Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor Requisition Number 531,134 Meeting Location https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92119044928?pwd=Mkd2QnlLMU1JL0hLN0pWTzNzOTlMZz09 Brief Agenda Review of applicants and interviewing rubrics Date of meeting 05/22/2024 Time of meeting 11:00 am Name of Search Committee Chair Veena Venugopalan Email address of Search Committee Chair VVenugopalan@cop.ufl.edu

Search Committee Meeting – Clinical Chemistry


Name of Meeting   Search Committee Meeting - Clinical Chemistry Date   05/22/2024 Start Time   11:30 am End Time   12:30 am Location   Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97293007361?pwd=ZjhtbFN4ZVlmNFNCbmt1aEo0V0dydz09 Contact Name   Stacey Oliver Email   oliversl@ufl.edu