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Jerry Uelsmann: A Celebration of His Life and Art

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville

Jerry Uelsmann was known for his combination printing of multiple negatives into fantastical photographic landscapes. With imagination and wit, he turned landscapes into conundrums, or re-imagined reality altogether. His photographs […]


Clinical Ast/Aso/Full Professor – Forensic AP / Medical Examiner

University of Florida Gainesville

Position Title:    Clinical Ast/Aso/Full Professor – Forensic AP / Medical Examiner Department:  Pathology Location:  Zoom Date:  Wednesday, August 9    Time: 9:00am Contact Info:  oliversl@ufl.edu Join Zoom Meeting https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97898073769?pwd=OVNPdEhOdFR4ZFdrU3IvZW1uQVBVZz09 Meeting ID: 978 9807 3769 Passcode: […]

Inclusive Leadership

We know that leaders have a significant impact on creating a culture of inclusiveness within a team or department. In this session, we will explore the foundational elements of inclusive […]

Search Committee Meeting, Assoc. Dean for Professional Education


Department 32010000 - Dean's Office Position Title Assoc. Dean for Professional Education (527602) Meeting Location via Zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97301571129?pwd=c3BiMFVScXRaaWFJU0s2aDNpYSsvQT09 Brief Agenda - Finalize Interview Questions - Discuss and finalize onsite mandatory […]

Create Presentation Visuals Worthy of the TED Stage

Imagine you are giving the best presentation of your career. Your verbal delivery is captivating and masterfully choreographed with slide visuals and props that are attention grabbing, easy to understand, […]