Articles Tagged Training Subscribe to RSS Feed

Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

Participants will define Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a leadership and management competency, building upon a model for emotional and social competency. At the end of this session, participants will be […]

From Manager to Motivator

Supervisors often cite employee motivation as a major challenge. How do we create an environment that really motivates employees? This workshop helps supervisors focus on what really matters when it […]

Leading a Team

Effective managers create and cultivate collaboration and teamwork in order for their unit to reach its full potential. In this session, we will discuss tactics managers can use to build […]

Leading with Courage

Leading with Courage: What does it mean to have courage in leadership? Every day leaders are faced with situations that demand varying levels of courage to make the right decisions […]

Accountability in Workplace

Participants will define “accountability” as a leadership competency and explore ways to incorporate accountability in their interactions with employees. The overall objective of the workshop is to identify ways to […]

Accountability in Workplace

Participants will define “accountability” as a leadership competency and explore ways to incorporate accountability in their interactions with employees. The overall objective of the workshop is to identify ways to […]

Influence: Leveraging Relationships for Change

No matter where someone’s role lies in an organizational chart, every person has the capacity to influence others around them. Every person can wield the power of influence to make […]

Making Meetings Work

How many meetings have you attended or conducted where they just seemed like wasted time? Well, no more! Attend this workshop to learn techniques for planning and facilitating effective meetings. […]

Quality Customer Service

We all have customers–The question is “Do we serve them well?” In this workshop, participants will identify customer expectations, review assertive communication as a key component of quality customer service, […]

Managing Hidden Biases that Affect the Hiring Process

This course is designed for faculty and staff who hire new employees. Explore unconscious bias and how it affects the recruitment and hiring process. You will learn recruitment strategies to […]