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Making Meetings Work

How many meetings have you attended or conducted where they just seemed like wasted time? Well, no more! Attend this workshop to learn techniques for planning and facilitating effective meetings. […]


The Art of Difficult Conversations

Most of us work with well-intentioned people. However, difficult issues surface and require our attention, whether it is about scarce resources, misaligned goals, unpredictable policies, differences in opinions, or unprofessional […]


Classification & Compensation Foundations

The objective of the Classification and Compensation Foundations workshop is to increase your understanding of the university's classification and compensation structure for UF staff, with emphasis on describing jobs accurately […]

Event Series Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

University of Florida Gainesville

Position Title: Assistant Professor Department: Mathematics Location of Meeting: Zoom -- https://ufl.zoom.us/j/91470740911?pwd=nVqxn4U50udnecapulXtroUCj9s9qf.1 Meeting ID: 914 7074 0911 Passcode: 428334 Contact Information: Prof. Michael Jury (search committee chair) mjury@ufl.edu