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Hack the Fall: Faculty Fellowships Hackathon

Pugh Hall (PUGH) 296 Buckman Dr, Gainesville

Are you ready to demystify the Big Fall Fellowships (BFFs) and take your humanities grant writing skills to the next level? If so, the CLAS Dean’s Office and CHPS are […]


PTR Department Chair Search Committee


Name of Meeting PTR Department Chair Search Committee Date 07/15/2024 Start Time 12:00 pm End Time 01:00 pm Location Zoom: Meeting URL: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/96441844487?pwd=RBa4wnbY3E4nOtJF8Pw7XTUO5DZzoI.1 Meeting ID: 964 4184 4487 Passcode: 273698 […]

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset

How can one cultivate a mindset of positivity and compassion in the workplace? The answer is to cultivate an abundance mindset. During this course, participants will: Distinguish between the Abundance […]